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1 Risk-free and risky assets

Financial markets deal with two kinds of investments, risk-free and risky. To deposit money into a bank account for a fixed period with known interest rate is a typical example of an investment which is risk-free. To buy shares of (say) RBS is a risky investment. We will consider risk-free investment (via the money market) before examining a particular type of investment with a random return – an option.

1.1 Risk-free investment / money market

Consider a bank offering a positive interest rate per annum for both borrowing and lending. The way of compounding your interest must be well defined. Suppose that invested/deposited at time .

For simple compounding: after 1 year we get a return of

After 2 years we get a return of

Hence after years we get a return of . Note that the total accrued interest is .

Compounding does not have to be per annum. Suppose that compounding is semi-annually so that is the interest rate for a half-year (1 period is now 6 months). In this case, after 6 months we get

After 1 year ( months periods) we get a return of

After years ( periods) we get a return of

Definition 1.1 (periodic compounding)

Suppose that compounding is every year. The interest rate per period is and after years we get a return of

The total accrued interest is .

compounding_calculator = function(B0,r,n,T){ # B0 - initial investment # r - interest rate per annum (e.g. 5% = 0.05) # n - number of periods per year # T - time in years return(B0*(1+r/n)^(n*T)) } #To calculate the return from initial investment 2000, with 5% interest, semi-annual compounding over 3 years: compounding_calculator(2000,0.05,2,3)

We might wonder what happens as the frequency at which compounding taks place increases. This notion leads to the following definition.

Definition 1.2 (continuous compounding)

Note that a characterisation of the exponential function is

Hence, we may deduce that

Formally, if compounding is continuous, the interest rate is p.a. then invested in the bank for years gives a return of

The total accrued interest with continuous compounding is then .

Example 1.1

Suppose that is invested into a bank account for one year with rate per annum. Given the choice between annual or semi-annual compounding, which do you choose?



we choose semi-annual compounding!

Example 1.2

Suppose that per annum with semi-annual compounding. How much should you invest to give an accrued interest / net profit of 2000 after 18 months? Now assume that . How many months until your net profit is 280?


1 time period is 6 months with interest rate 0.025 per period. 18 months is 3 time periods so we require such that

Now assume that . Let be the time in months until we get a net profit of 280. We therefore require such that

1.2 Investments with random returns

For example, investing on a national lottery ticket. The return is 0, , etc with ever diminishing probabilities.

Suppose that we invest at time and denote the return by . For random returns, is of course, a random variable. To choose between investments, we might consider the expected return of each. For discrete with possible values and probabilities recall that

For continuous with support and probability density function (pdf) we have

We may also calculate the variance of via

As a trivial example, consider

  1. ,

  2. .

Plainly, . Which investment do we prefer? We could use the variance as the criterion:

We therefore choose investment 2.

Example 1.3

Suppose that your return follows a binomial distribution, left truncated at 2 and right truncated at 8 so that the return takes values . What is the expected return?


Let and let denote the truncated version. We have that


Hence we obtain the expected return as

Comment: Note that where the constant is simply the probability of being (strictly) between the truncation limits. That is, the role of ensures that the sum to 1.

Example 1.4

Let and define by two-sided truncation, at the left at 0 and at the right at 10. Let .

  • (a)

    Show that

    where is the distribution function (d.f.) of a random variable.

  • (b)

    What is for (i) and (ii) ?

  • (c)

    The return of a trader is a random variable such that if and if . Calculate .


  • (a)

    We have that

    as required.

  • (b)

    For , and for , .

  • (c)

    We have that . Now . Therefore

Comment: the pdf of , can be found by differentiating the cdf . We obtain where the constant is . Hence we see that the role of this constant is to ensure that integrates to 1 over the range .

1.3 Options

We can think of a financial instrument as cash, or a contractual right to receive or deliver cash or another financial instrument. Options are a particular type of financial instrument with a random payoff. They are usually traded on stock exchanges (e.g. NYSE). The stock market is the trading of all securities listed listed on exchanges.

Before examining a particular class of options, we will take a look at a simpler instrument, the futures contract. Note that all financial instruments in this Section are contracts which have two positions: the buyer (also holder / long position) vs the seller (also writer / short position) of the contract.

Futures contracts

Definition 1.3 (futures contract)

A futures contract is an agreement between two parties to buy/sell one share of stock for a strike price at maturity time .

  • The buyer/holder (long position) has payoff

    where is the market value or spot price of the stock at time .

  • The seller/writer (short position) has payoff

These linear payoffs can be easily sketched against .

European options

Again, a contract between two parties. The holder of the option has the right to do something involving a share of stock. What it is they can do depends on the type of option. The holder does not have to exercise their right – they have a choice (hence the terminology option!) We will look at two types of option here.

Throughout, we will assume that neither contract position owns the share of stock involved in the option at any time. To this end, we can view the option simply as a financial instrument that yields a payoff at a set time.

Definition 1.4 (European call option)

A European call option (ECO) gives the holder of the option the right but not the obligation to buy one share of stock for a strike price at maturity time .

  • The buyer/holder (long position) has payoff

  • The seller/writer (short position) has payoff

Note that there is a cost for being the holder of an option. The holder must pay the writer an amount, say upon entering the contract.

  • The buyer/holder (long position) realises a net profit

  • The seller/writer (short position) realises a net profit

Thought experiment: The current price of stock is 15. suppose I hold one ECO with maturity in one minute, and strike price . You are the writer of the contract. One minute is up and the stock price has risen to 16. I immediately exercise my right by buying one share from you for 10 and I then immediately sell for the market value of 16. I get a payoff of . You, on the other hand (at time one minute) have to buy one share for 16 and then immediately sell to me for the strike price of 10. Your payoff is . Using the payoff function: Of course, the payoff isn’t the full story. Suppose I pay you 8 up front so that I can hold the option. In this case, my net profit is and your net profit is .

Definition 1.5 (European put option)

A European put option (EPO) gives the holder of the option the right but not the obligation to sell one share of stock for a strike price at maturity time .

  • The buyer/holder (long position) has payoff

  • The seller/writer (short position) has payoff

As with the ECO, there is a cost to acquiring the put option. The holder must pay the writer an amount, say upon entering the contract.

Plots of the payoff functions for the ECO and EPO (for both holder and writer positions) can be found in Figure 1. There are 4 plots since we have two options each with a possible two positions (and each combination gives a different payoff).

Figure 1 Payoffs for the holder of the ECO (top left), writer of the ECO (top right), holder of the EPO (bottom left) and writer of the EPO (bottom right). All assume a strike price of .

Definition 1.6 (European contingent claim)

A European contingent claim (ECC) with payoff pattern is any financial contract which gives the holder at time . For example, you could have an ECC consisting of two ECOs with different strike prices.

Example 1.5

A strip consists of a long position in one call and two puts with the same strike price and maturity time. A strap consists of a long position in two calls and one put with the same strike price and maturity time. Write down the payoffs of these options explicitly as functions of and sketch them.


For the strip, we have that Or explicitly, For the strap, we have that Or explicitly, The payoffs are easily sketched. See Figure 2 for the case when .

Figure 2 Payoffs for the holder of the strip (left) and strap (right). Both assume a strike price of .


Definition 1.7 (arbitrage opportunity)

An arbitrage opportunity is to make a risk free profit from zero endowment. We will assume that the market offers no arbitrage opportunities. In particular, if two portfolios (that is, a combination of a position in stocks and the money market) have the same payoff, then their fair prices must coincide. This leads to the following result.

European put-call-parity

Define the following:

  • is the stock price at time ,

  • is the continuously compounded risk-free interest rate (per annum),

  • is the fair price of 1 ECO, with maturity and strike price written on 1 share of stock,

  • is the fair price of 1 EPO, with maturity and strike price written on 1 share of the same stock as the ECO.

Result 1.1 (European put-call-parity)

Under the assumption of no arbitrage, the put-call-parity is


Consider two trading positions A and B:

  • Position A: buy one put option with maturity and strike price for . Buy one share of stock.

  • Position B: Buy one call option with maturity and strike price for . Invest in the bank.

The total cost for setting position A is .
The total cost for setting position B is ,

Let denote the portfolio value at time . Consider first position A. At time if the put is exercised yielding and our stock has the value . If then our put is worthless but our stock is worth . Hence the value of position A at time is


Now consider position B. If at time , then the call is worthless but we realise from the bank. If then we exercise the call and get and realise from the bank. Hence the value of position B at time is


So both positions have the same value at and for no arbitrage it must be that both positions cost the same to set up i.e. and the put-call parity holds.

Example 1.6

Suppose that

Describe a trading strategy to exploit this scenario and realise an arbitrage opportunity.


At time , sell 1 ECO and borrow from the bank. Use the amount obtained at time to buy 1 EPO and 1 share of stock. We get in our pocket at time the amount using the inequality given above. Now, at time , our payoff is so our net profit is . We have realised an arbitrage opportunity!
